The Ultimate Synthetic Grease That Slicks Up & Protects A Lot More Than Just Triggers; Smooth, Friction-Free Operation For All Types Of Firearms
If you have a firearm that "works", then you need Action Lube Plus. Not a petroleum-based grease, but a synthetic-based, semi-solid lubricant developed and used by military special forces to protect expensive, hi-tech firearms and equipment in all temperatures and all environments; from the deserts of Kuwait to the Bering Strait. Actually exceeds the mil spec of standard, molybdenum disulfide grease. Action Lube Plus lubricates and inhibits corrosion and galling from salt water, powder residue, sweat and moisture on all types of metal, including stainless steel, titanium and aluminum. Action Lube Plus is very concentrated; only a small amount applied to the face of sears and triggers will dramatically decrease pull weight as well as smooth actual trigger feel. On high friction points like bolt raceways and lever mechanisms, just a dab of Action Lube Plus completely eliminates wear and helps assure reliable functioning. A very light coating on the outside of your guns will keep fingerprints neutralized and protect expensive bluing from rust and moisture damage that can occur during storage.
SPECS: 2 oz. (56g) net wt.
Ultimátní syntetické mazivo, které nejen zlepšuje chod spouští; hladký, bez tření fungující provoz pro všechny typy zbraní
Pokud vlastníte zbraň, která "funguje", potřebujete Action Lube Plus. Nejedná se o mazivo na ropné bázi, ale o syntetické, polotuhé mazivo vyvinuté a používané speciálními vojenskými silami pro ochranu drahých, hi-tech zbraní a vybavení ve všech teplotách a prostředích; od pouští Kuvajtu po Beringův průliv. Ve skutečnosti překračuje vojenskou specifikaci standardního maziva na bázi disulfidu molybdenu. Action Lube Plus mazá a zabraňuje korozi a zadrhávání od slané vody, střelného prachu, potu a vlhkosti na všech typech kovů, včetně nerezové oceli, titanu a hliníku. Action Lube Plus je velmi koncentrovaný; stačí jen malé množství aplikované na plochu závěrů a spouští, což výrazně sníží váhu spouště a zároveň vyhladí pocit při spouštění. Na místech s vysokým třením, jako jsou dráhy závěru a mechanismy páky, úplně eliminuje opotřebení a zajišťuje spolehlivou funkčnost pouhým nánosem Action Lube Plus. Velmi tenká vrstva na vnější straně vašich zbraní neutralizuje otisky prstů a chrání drahé modrování před korozi a poškozením od vlhkosti, které mohou nastat během skladování.
SPECS: 2 oz. (56g) čisté hmotnosti.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku BROWNELLS ACTION LUBE PLUS 2OZ
Počet hodnocení: 12
Od 12
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,9
Top Notch product for all firearms(25.10.2009)
This is by far the best grease on the market. I have tried many types of firearm lubricants and this one tops them all.
Best Lube(30.10.2009)
I put this product into a plastic syringe and can control the ammount and location on the slides and sears of my pistols. A little goes a long way and it really reduces the friction and wear. If you use grease in a firearm, this is the best going.
Found ... one lube for all my guns(17.11.2009)
In all my years as a gunsmith (in years past) and then a collector of Garands and Carbines I guess I've tried just about all the gun lubes out there. One seemed to work well with this gun, this other one best with that gun. I have given Action Lube a try and I'm "stuck" on it. All my military rifles are smooth as silk and can't believe how it slicked up my Glock 27. Try it !
really slick stuff(7.5.2010)
This grease is expensive but there's enough in the container to last an individual a lifetime. You could share it with a friend or two. As it says in the description, a little bit goes a long way. You don't need to use much of it to provide excellent lubrication. It has just the right consistency and it's incredibly slick. The only negative is that it's a little dirty looking.
the best!(30.9.2010)
It's the best! Makes good great,smooth smoother,can turn hellish into heavenly.they aren't kidding when they write its concentrated! I usually just dip the stick end of a cotton tail in the jar and dab it.A 2oz jar will last forever.'
Very surpised(10.3.2012)
Used a little on the slide and rail on my Xd pistol and some on the rail of my WASR 10/63 could feel and hear the difference the raspy scrape of metal on metal was gone
A friend told me about this stuff........ it works grate.
Absolutely The Best Firearms Lube(12.12.2012)
After thoroughly cleaning my pistols, to prevent undue wear on the slide rails or any of the metal to metal wear surfaces, I apply a thin coating of Brownell's Action Lube Plus. It has demonstratably reduced all detectable metal wearing on my firearms, making them easier to operate and actually easier to clean the next time. You can't go wrong with this firearm lubricant.
Action Lube Plus +10 years(28.12.2012)
Performs as described. I bought this product ten years ago and use in on all my shotguns, rifles, and handguns. Can be difficult to apply but I use a very small paint brush to get into hard to reach areas. I cannot say enough good about this product. Also, it will really last a lifetime if you apply it thin. I even use it on my fishing reels.
Excellent Product!!!(14.4.2013)
I have used Slip2000 and other lubes in the past, but tried this for a change on not only my duty pistol, but on my AR and a Beretta 92. All have significant smoother actions and triggers. This is great lube.
Best lube ever(29.3.2014)
Works in all temperatures, I live in the Arctic and have used it from -40 to +30c with no issues. Best grease for my RFB and M1A
Best Stuff For Ya(18.5.2016)
At a sponsored shooting event I noticed set the competitors firearms Lube looks like axle Grease. So I asked one and they told me about this product and how well it works for their High volume shooting. Since I started using it it is replaced all my traditional lubes. It ain't going to hurt you to try it because you will stick with it.
Produkt č.: 083050002 BROWNELLS ACTION LUBE PLUS 2OZ Číslo výrobce: NONE050806101951 Pokud vlastníte zbraň, která "funguje", potřebujete Action Lube Plus. Nejedná se o mazivo na ropné bázi, ale o syntetické, polotuhé mazivo vyvinuté a používané speciálními vojenskými silami pro ochranu drahých, hi-tech zbraní a vybavení ve všech teplotách a prostředích; od pouští Kuvajtu po Beringův průliv. Ve skutečnosti překračuje vojenskou specifikaci standardního maziva na bázi disulfidu molybdenu. Action Lube Plus mazá a zabraňuje korozi a zadrhávání od slané vody, střelného prachu, potu a vlhkosti na všech typech kovů, včetně nerezové oceli, titanu a hliníku. Action Lube Plus je velmi koncentrovaný; stačí jen malé množství aplikované na plochu závěrů a spouští, což výrazně sníží váhu spouště a zároveň vyhladí pocit při spouštění. Na místech s vysokým třením, jako jsou dráhy závěru a mechanismy páky, úplně eliminuje opotřebení a zajišťuje spolehlivou funkčnost pouhým nánosem Action Lube Plus. Velmi tenká vrstva na vnější straně vašich zbraní neutralizuje otisky prstů a chrání drahé modrování před korozi a poškozením od vlhkosti, které mohou nastat během skladování.
749CZK0749,00 Kč
Předbjednávka, dodací lhůta je přibližně 4-12 týdny ze skladu z USA.
Action Lube Plus je syntetické, polotuhé mazivo vyvinuté pro speciální vojenské síly, které překračuje vojenské specifikace standardního maziva na bázi disulfidu molybdenu.
Chrání zbraně před korozí a zadrháváním způsobeným slanou vodou, střelným prachem, potem a vlhkostí na všech typech kovů.
Velmi koncentrované, malé množství snižuje váhu spouště, eliminuje opotřebení na místech s vysokým třením a chrání povrch zbraní před korozí a poškozením.
The Ultimate Synthetic Grease That Slicks Up & Protects A Lot More Than Just Triggers; Smooth, Friction-Free Operation For All Types Of Firearms
If you have a firearm that "works", then you need Action Lube Plus. Not a petroleum-based grease, but a synthetic-based, semi-solid lubricant developed and used by military special forces to protect expensive, hi-tech firearms and equipment in all temperatures and all environments; from the deserts of Kuwait to the Bering Strait. Actually exceeds the mil spec of standard, molybdenum disulfide grease. Action Lube Plus lubricates and inhibits corrosion and galling from salt water, powder residue, sweat and moisture on all types of metal, including stainless steel, titanium and aluminum. Action Lube Plus is very concentrated; only a small amount applied to the face of sears and triggers will dramatically decrease pull weight as well as smooth actual trigger feel. On high friction points like bolt raceways and lever mechanisms, just a dab of Action Lube Plus completely eliminates wear and helps assure reliable functioning. A very light coating on the outside of your guns will keep fingerprints neutralized and protect expensive bluing from rust and moisture damage that can occur during storage.
SPECS: 2 oz. (56g) net wt.
Ultimátní syntetické mazivo, které nejen zlepšuje chod spouští; hladký, bez tření fungující provoz pro všechny typy zbraní
Pokud vlastníte zbraň, která "funguje", potřebujete Action Lube Plus. Nejedná se o mazivo na ropné bázi, ale o syntetické, polotuhé mazivo vyvinuté a používané speciálními vojenskými silami pro ochranu drahých, hi-tech zbraní a vybavení ve všech teplotách a prostředích; od pouští Kuvajtu po Beringův průliv. Ve skutečnosti překračuje vojenskou specifikaci standardního maziva na bázi disulfidu molybdenu. Action Lube Plus mazá a zabraňuje korozi a zadrhávání od slané vody, střelného prachu, potu a vlhkosti na všech typech kovů, včetně nerezové oceli, titanu a hliníku. Action Lube Plus je velmi koncentrovaný; stačí jen malé množství aplikované na plochu závěrů a spouští, což výrazně sníží váhu spouště a zároveň vyhladí pocit při spouštění. Na místech s vysokým třením, jako jsou dráhy závěru a mechanismy páky, úplně eliminuje opotřebení a zajišťuje spolehlivou funkčnost pouhým nánosem Action Lube Plus. Velmi tenká vrstva na vnější straně vašich zbraní neutralizuje otisky prstů a chrání drahé modrování před korozi a poškozením od vlhkosti, které mohou nastat během skladování.
SPECS: 2 oz. (56g) čisté hmotnosti.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku BROWNELLS ACTION LUBE PLUS 2OZ
Počet hodnocení: 12
Od 12
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,9
Top Notch product for all firearms(25.10.2009)
This is by far the best grease on the market. I have tried many types of firearm lubricants and this one tops them all.
Best Lube(30.10.2009)
I put this product into a plastic syringe and can control the ammount and location on the slides and sears of my pistols. A little goes a long way and it really reduces the friction and wear. If you use grease in a firearm, this is the best going.
Found ... one lube for all my guns(17.11.2009)
In all my years as a gunsmith (in years past) and then a collector of Garands and Carbines I guess I've tried just about all the gun lubes out there. One seemed to work well with this gun, this other one best with that gun. I have given Action Lube a try and I'm "stuck" on it. All my military rifles are smooth as silk and can't believe how it slicked up my Glock 27. Try it !
really slick stuff(7.5.2010)
This grease is expensive but there's enough in the container to last an individual a lifetime. You could share it with a friend or two. As it says in the description, a little bit goes a long way. You don't need to use much of it to provide excellent lubrication. It has just the right consistency and it's incredibly slick. The only negative is that it's a little dirty looking.
the best!(30.9.2010)
It's the best! Makes good great,smooth smoother,can turn hellish into heavenly.they aren't kidding when they write its concentrated! I usually just dip the stick end of a cotton tail in the jar and dab it.A 2oz jar will last forever.'
Very surpised(10.3.2012)
Used a little on the slide and rail on my Xd pistol and some on the rail of my WASR 10/63 could feel and hear the difference the raspy scrape of metal on metal was gone
A friend told me about this stuff........ it works grate.
Absolutely The Best Firearms Lube(12.12.2012)
After thoroughly cleaning my pistols, to prevent undue wear on the slide rails or any of the metal to metal wear surfaces, I apply a thin coating of Brownell's Action Lube Plus. It has demonstratably reduced all detectable metal wearing on my firearms, making them easier to operate and actually easier to clean the next time. You can't go wrong with this firearm lubricant.
Action Lube Plus +10 years(28.12.2012)
Performs as described. I bought this product ten years ago and use in on all my shotguns, rifles, and handguns. Can be difficult to apply but I use a very small paint brush to get into hard to reach areas. I cannot say enough good about this product. Also, it will really last a lifetime if you apply it thin. I even use it on my fishing reels.
Excellent Product!!!(14.4.2013)
I have used Slip2000 and other lubes in the past, but tried this for a change on not only my duty pistol, but on my AR and a Beretta 92. All have significant smoother actions and triggers. This is great lube.
Best lube ever(29.3.2014)
Works in all temperatures, I live in the Arctic and have used it from -40 to +30c with no issues. Best grease for my RFB and M1A
Best Stuff For Ya(18.5.2016)
At a sponsored shooting event I noticed set the competitors firearms Lube looks like axle Grease. So I asked one and they told me about this product and how well it works for their High volume shooting. Since I started using it it is replaced all my traditional lubes. It ain't going to hurt you to try it because you will stick with it.