Slender, Trimmed-Down Thumb Pads For Carry-Style Guns
Thinner thumb pads with the famous Ed Brown angle and slope. Works with the natural, sweeping motion of the thumb for a faster, easier safety release. Trimmed down style is lighter and more comfortable when used on concealed carry guns or with full coverage holsters. Meets all requirements for U.S.P.S.A. Limited Class.
SPECS: Available in Blue and stainless steel (S/S), Single and Ambidextrous. Contact area: .150" (3.8mm) wide, 1" (2.5cm) long. Gunsmith fitting required.
Úzké, zjednodušené plošky pro palec pro zbraně určené k nošení
Užší plošky pro palec s proslulým úhlem a sklonem Ed Brown. Pracuje s přirozeným, zametacím pohybem palce pro rychlejší a snazší uvolnění pojistky. Zjednodušený styl je lehčí a pohodlnější při použití na skrytě nošených zbraních nebo s pouzdry plného krytí. Splňuje všechny požadavky pro třídu U.S.P.S.A. Limited Class.
SPECIFIKACE: Dostupné ve variantách modrá a nerezová ocel (S/S), jednostranné a oboustranné. Kontaktní plocha: .150" (3.8mm) široká, 1" (2.5cm) dlouhá. Vyžaduje úpravu zbrojním mistrem.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku ED BROWN S/S TACTICAL SAFETY
Počet hodnocení: 22
Od 22
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,1
Excellent Quality(1.7.2009)
This is NOT a drop in piece! Required metal removal to fit in a Taurus PT 1911. Would probably require fitting in all 1911-style pistols. Well built, looks great!
These are great for carry or using in a milt sparks iwb holster, I also use them in my compition pistols. They are a great addition when you do a trigger job with a new sear. Worth every penny
wont fall apart!(4.1.2011)
unlike many of the low ball ambi safeties this one has a little leg that fits behind the grip panel to ensure that the safety doesnt fall apart... its the SAFETY!!! buy good parts!
Ed brown Safety(26.12.2011)
I have been using Browns Ambi and single sided tactical safety for over 10 years on most all custom builds. This is the best quality and shape for concealed carry guns with both Wilson style and Brown safeties. The steel ears hold tight and do not work loose like others I have used that require constant retightening. For competition guns look at Browns wide extended safety, you will not be disappointed.
Got what I paid for.(29.11.2012)
Very good looking, fit, had to fit to sear, and had to lengthen grip safety to block trigger, all as expected. Has been in use for over a year still tight. I will buy again.
Used on Kimber Ultra II, great look by being straight and parallel to plunger tube when disengaged. Size and ergonomics perfect for medium hand. Positive Engagement. Fitting required, plenty of material to work with. For safety's sake please do not attempt unless you know what you are doing.
Poor Finish(22.8.2011)
Surface not polished properly. Uneven polish.
Thought a high end part would be just that, high end. This is just your run of the mill safety.
Great Product(6.9.2012)
Finish on the Ed Brown thumb safeties coming thru our shop have all been top notch. Nice polish, no casting marks or pitts. Plenty of material so it can be installed on any 1911! I've ALWAYs had good experiences with Ed Brown parts.
Does require gunsmith installation!
Can't Go Wrong(31.5.2015)
My first attempt at installing an extended thumb safety in my Colt Delta Elite was a failure as I had purchased a Wilson and the stud was too big to fit the hole in the frame. The Ed Brown stud fit perfectly. As noted on YouTube examples, filing of the safety is required. Removing the grips and the grip safety help in viewing your progress. Reinstalling the mainspring housing prior to filing so the hammer is functional is necessary also. Comparing the new safety with the OEM safety as you file helps considerably, especially when your down to that last file or two when the safety finally clears the sear. Took about an hour of careful filing. Even when the safety finally seats, check to make sure the safety will move through its entire range. I had to file a little more after it seated so that the safety would extend fully into the slide cut. Check all functioning parameters before live firing. A 5 star product except for the fitting. Buy this one before the Wilson.
Shield would hit the plunger tube(21.4.2016)
I tried this thumb safety on 2 different frames and the shield would catch on the plunger tube so you couldn't even move the safety. The plunger detent assembly wasn't even installed at the time. Very poorly made. I talked to Brownells tech support and they told me that they have heard of this happening to other customers who purchased this thumb safety. So I am returning it and going with the EGW thumb safety which is better quality. Very disappointed with this purchase.
Fitting is required on this safety!(10.12.2016)
As another commented the safety does not clear the plunger tube assembly. I had to file some material away on this safety so it could clear on my SA 1911-A1. Other than that, this is like all other thumb safeties, it will need to be fitted to your 1911. Once fitted it looks very nice, but I would hit it with some polish to give it a bright stainless look.
Top Quality Beautiful Finish(3.10.2018)
This is a fantastic part. The reviewers stating the shield was thin are absolutely wrong. The shield(main plate that rests against the frame) is actually thicker than a standard GI or commercial version. I feel sure the users that stated their detent pin slipped out had other problems(most likely their plunger tube came loose or they have the detents reversed). It does have a lot of sear stop surface so it needs to be fitted. This is a PLUS. You should ALWAYS have metal to remove to fit safety devices on firearms. The thumb shelf is narrow for concealed carry and in the perfect position. The matte finish looks great and is the sample I will use for finishing the rest of my stainless 1911.
Ed Brown(19.11.2009)
Used to replace ambi safety on my colt. Narrow profile helps with concealment.
Custom build use(28.5.2010)
This is the only safety that I will use on custom builds.
Jess Gypin OnTarget Custom Gunworks
Excellent replacement for stock(8.1.2012)
Excellent replacement option for stock safety. Low profile prevents snags, but extended pad aids in release. Requires experience in fitting safety in order to fit correctly with positive engagement.
Safety lock plunger pops out(18.2.2012)
I installed this on my Springfield EMP. I fitted it to my pistol and everything went in fine, however, the thumb safety is so thin that the safety lock plunger pops out when the thumb safety is in "safe".
This thumb safety needs a wider wall to hold the safey lock plunger in. When it pops out, I am not able to move it out of the "safe" position. Not a very reliable part for a concealed carry piece.
Excellent fit & finish(6.9.2012)
I have installed a lot of thumb safeties over the years and Browns are the best. No casting marks, high quality steel, and heat treated! They last forever just need proper installation, which I think JLAU missed.
Great Piece!(3.1.2013)
bought for a PT 1911 Taurus to replace the ambi-safety. It went in with minimal touch-up. I had to notch the engagement area just a bit to clear the sear, but only about 10 minutes worth of file-and-fit. I shaped up the area around the plunger tube as well to get a positive "click" engagement that I liked, but it really wasn't necessary on my gun. One thing worth noting is that the contact area for your thumb is much thinner than the picture led me to believe. Not a big deal for me, but I was a bit surprised when I received it in the mail.
Works great, but requires fitting.(10.2.2013)
This was a nice addition to my old Series 70 Govt Model that I've been slowly tweaking for 29 years. Does require hand fitting, I used my original as a guide and took my time. Looks like it came on the gun new.
Ideal Tactical Safety(7.1.2015)
As expected with any Ed Brown part, it is excellent. Fitting was required and this part is not a drop in part. There is enough material for this to be fitted to any milspec 1911. The safety is perfect for a ccw but has enough grip for target or competition. I have installed this safety on everything from colt's to the taurus 1911.
Very Easy to Fit(26.2.2015)
After fitting a Wilson Combat safety onto a 1911, this one is a breeze. Very smoothly machined out of the box and only very minimal fitting to make it work like a charm replacing an ambi safety on a S&W 1911.
Looks great, feels smooth. Will definitely stock a few of these for future jobs.
Should have read the reviews(15.7.2015)
I should have read the reviews on this safety. The body of the safety is too thin so the plunger rides on its outside edge. I'm surprised it didn't pop out on mine but there is a youtube video that documents it happening to someone else. Ed Brown makes awesome parts but this is not one of them. Save yourself the money and time fitting this and go with the "other" brand on this part.
Produkt č.: 087245891 ED BROWN S/S TACTICAL SAFETY Číslo výrobce: 891CARRY800732891019 Užší plošky pro palec s proslulým úhlem a sklonem Ed Brown. Pracuje s přirozeným, zametacím pohybem palce pro rychlejší a snazší uvolnění pojistky. Zjednodušený styl je lehčí a pohodlnější při použití na skrytě nošených zbraních nebo s pouzdry plného krytí. Splňuje všechny požadavky pro třídu U.S.P.S.A. Limited Class.
2699CZK02 699,00 Kč
Předbjednávka, dodací lhůta je přibližně 4-12 týdny ze skladu z USA.
Made in USA
US exportní klasifikace: 0A501.x
Prohlášení o kontrole do destinace: "Tyto položky jsou kontrolovány vládou Spojených států a jsou povoleny na vývoz pouze do země konečného určení k použití konečným příjemcem nebo konečným uživatelem (uživatel,), kteří jsou zde identifikováni. Nesmějí být dále prodány, přepraveny ani jinak zlikvidovány v žádné jiné zemi nebo jiné osobě, než je oprávněn konečný příjemce nebo koncový uživatel, a to buď v jejich původní formě nebo po začlenění do jiných položek, aniž by nejprve získali souhlas od vlády USA nebo byly jinak povoleny."
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Produkt č.: 087245890 ED BROWN BLUE TACTICAL SAFETY Číslo výrobce: 890-CARRY800732890012 Užší plošky pro palec s proslulým úhlem a sklonem Ed Brown. Pracuje s přirozeným, zametacím pohybem palce pro rychlejší a snazší uvolnění pojistky. Zjednodušený styl je lehčí a pohodlnější při použití na skrytě nošených zbraních nebo s pouzdry plného krytí. Splňuje všechny požadavky pro třídu U.S.P.S.A. Limited Class.
2899CZK32 899,00 Kč
Dodací lhůta je přibližně 14-21 dní. 3 Počet ks. skladem USA
Made in USA
US exportní klasifikace: 0A501.x
Prohlášení o kontrole do destinace: "Tyto položky jsou kontrolovány vládou Spojených států a jsou povoleny na vývoz pouze do země konečného určení k použití konečným příjemcem nebo konečným uživatelem (uživatel,), kteří jsou zde identifikováni. Nesmějí být dále prodány, přepraveny ani jinak zlikvidovány v žádné jiné zemi nebo jiné osobě, než je oprávněn konečný příjemce nebo koncový uživatel, a to buď v jejich původní formě nebo po začlenění do jiných položek, aniž by nejprve získali souhlas od vlády USA nebo byly jinak povoleny."
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Produkt č.: 087245893 ED BROWN S/S AMBIDEXTROUS TACTICAL SAFETY Číslo výrobce: 893-T800732893013 Užší plošky pro palec s proslulým úhlem a sklonem Ed Brown. Pracuje s přirozeným, zametacím pohybem palce pro rychlejší a snazší uvolnění pojistky. Zjednodušený styl je lehčí a pohodlnější při použití na skrytě nošených zbraních nebo s pouzdry plného krytí. Splňuje všechny požadavky pro třídu U.S.P.S.A. Limited Class.
2699CZK12 699,00 Kč
Dodací lhůta je přibližně 14-21 dní. 1 Počet ks. skladem USA
Made in USA
US exportní klasifikace: 0A501.x
Prohlášení o kontrole do destinace: "Tyto položky jsou kontrolovány vládou Spojených států a jsou povoleny na vývoz pouze do země konečného určení k použití konečným příjemcem nebo konečným uživatelem (uživatel,), kteří jsou zde identifikováni. Nesmějí být dále prodány, přepraveny ani jinak zlikvidovány v žádné jiné zemi nebo jiné osobě, než je oprávněn konečný příjemce nebo koncový uživatel, a to buď v jejich původní formě nebo po začlenění do jiných položek, aniž by nejprve získali souhlas od vlády USA nebo byly jinak povoleny."
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Objevte TACTICAL THUMB SAFETY od Ed Browna! 🔒 Ideální pro skryté nošení s lehkým a pohodlným designem. Splňuje U.S.P.S.A. standardy.
Slender, Trimmed-Down Thumb Pads For Carry-Style Guns
Thinner thumb pads with the famous Ed Brown angle and slope. Works with the natural, sweeping motion of the thumb for a faster, easier safety release. Trimmed down style is lighter and more comfortable when used on concealed carry guns or with full coverage holsters. Meets all requirements for U.S.P.S.A. Limited Class.
SPECS: Available in Blue and stainless steel (S/S), Single and Ambidextrous. Contact area: .150" (3.8mm) wide, 1" (2.5cm) long. Gunsmith fitting required.
Úzké, zjednodušené plošky pro palec pro zbraně určené k nošení
Užší plošky pro palec s proslulým úhlem a sklonem Ed Brown. Pracuje s přirozeným, zametacím pohybem palce pro rychlejší a snazší uvolnění pojistky. Zjednodušený styl je lehčí a pohodlnější při použití na skrytě nošených zbraních nebo s pouzdry plného krytí. Splňuje všechny požadavky pro třídu U.S.P.S.A. Limited Class.
SPECIFIKACE: Dostupné ve variantách modrá a nerezová ocel (S/S), jednostranné a oboustranné. Kontaktní plocha: .150" (3.8mm) široká, 1" (2.5cm) dlouhá. Vyžaduje úpravu zbrojním mistrem.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku ED BROWN S/S TACTICAL SAFETY
Počet hodnocení: 22
Od 22
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,1
Excellent Quality(1.7.2009)
This is NOT a drop in piece! Required metal removal to fit in a Taurus PT 1911. Would probably require fitting in all 1911-style pistols. Well built, looks great!
These are great for carry or using in a milt sparks iwb holster, I also use them in my compition pistols. They are a great addition when you do a trigger job with a new sear. Worth every penny
wont fall apart!(4.1.2011)
unlike many of the low ball ambi safeties this one has a little leg that fits behind the grip panel to ensure that the safety doesnt fall apart... its the SAFETY!!! buy good parts!
Ed brown Safety(26.12.2011)
I have been using Browns Ambi and single sided tactical safety for over 10 years on most all custom builds. This is the best quality and shape for concealed carry guns with both Wilson style and Brown safeties. The steel ears hold tight and do not work loose like others I have used that require constant retightening. For competition guns look at Browns wide extended safety, you will not be disappointed.
Got what I paid for.(29.11.2012)
Very good looking, fit, had to fit to sear, and had to lengthen grip safety to block trigger, all as expected. Has been in use for over a year still tight. I will buy again.
Used on Kimber Ultra II, great look by being straight and parallel to plunger tube when disengaged. Size and ergonomics perfect for medium hand. Positive Engagement. Fitting required, plenty of material to work with. For safety's sake please do not attempt unless you know what you are doing.
Poor Finish(22.8.2011)
Surface not polished properly. Uneven polish.
Thought a high end part would be just that, high end. This is just your run of the mill safety.
Great Product(6.9.2012)
Finish on the Ed Brown thumb safeties coming thru our shop have all been top notch. Nice polish, no casting marks or pitts. Plenty of material so it can be installed on any 1911! I've ALWAYs had good experiences with Ed Brown parts.
Does require gunsmith installation!
Can't Go Wrong(31.5.2015)
My first attempt at installing an extended thumb safety in my Colt Delta Elite was a failure as I had purchased a Wilson and the stud was too big to fit the hole in the frame. The Ed Brown stud fit perfectly. As noted on YouTube examples, filing of the safety is required. Removing the grips and the grip safety help in viewing your progress. Reinstalling the mainspring housing prior to filing so the hammer is functional is necessary also. Comparing the new safety with the OEM safety as you file helps considerably, especially when your down to that last file or two when the safety finally clears the sear. Took about an hour of careful filing. Even when the safety finally seats, check to make sure the safety will move through its entire range. I had to file a little more after it seated so that the safety would extend fully into the slide cut. Check all functioning parameters before live firing. A 5 star product except for the fitting. Buy this one before the Wilson.
Shield would hit the plunger tube(21.4.2016)
I tried this thumb safety on 2 different frames and the shield would catch on the plunger tube so you couldn't even move the safety. The plunger detent assembly wasn't even installed at the time. Very poorly made. I talked to Brownells tech support and they told me that they have heard of this happening to other customers who purchased this thumb safety. So I am returning it and going with the EGW thumb safety which is better quality. Very disappointed with this purchase.
Fitting is required on this safety!(10.12.2016)
As another commented the safety does not clear the plunger tube assembly. I had to file some material away on this safety so it could clear on my SA 1911-A1. Other than that, this is like all other thumb safeties, it will need to be fitted to your 1911. Once fitted it looks very nice, but I would hit it with some polish to give it a bright stainless look.
Top Quality Beautiful Finish(3.10.2018)
This is a fantastic part. The reviewers stating the shield was thin are absolutely wrong. The shield(main plate that rests against the frame) is actually thicker than a standard GI or commercial version. I feel sure the users that stated their detent pin slipped out had other problems(most likely their plunger tube came loose or they have the detents reversed). It does have a lot of sear stop surface so it needs to be fitted. This is a PLUS. You should ALWAYS have metal to remove to fit safety devices on firearms. The thumb shelf is narrow for concealed carry and in the perfect position. The matte finish looks great and is the sample I will use for finishing the rest of my stainless 1911.
Ed Brown(19.11.2009)
Used to replace ambi safety on my colt. Narrow profile helps with concealment.
Custom build use(28.5.2010)
This is the only safety that I will use on custom builds.
Jess Gypin OnTarget Custom Gunworks
Excellent replacement for stock(8.1.2012)
Excellent replacement option for stock safety. Low profile prevents snags, but extended pad aids in release. Requires experience in fitting safety in order to fit correctly with positive engagement.
Safety lock plunger pops out(18.2.2012)
I installed this on my Springfield EMP. I fitted it to my pistol and everything went in fine, however, the thumb safety is so thin that the safety lock plunger pops out when the thumb safety is in "safe".
This thumb safety needs a wider wall to hold the safey lock plunger in. When it pops out, I am not able to move it out of the "safe" position. Not a very reliable part for a concealed carry piece.
Excellent fit & finish(6.9.2012)
I have installed a lot of thumb safeties over the years and Browns are the best. No casting marks, high quality steel, and heat treated! They last forever just need proper installation, which I think JLAU missed.
Great Piece!(3.1.2013)
bought for a PT 1911 Taurus to replace the ambi-safety. It went in with minimal touch-up. I had to notch the engagement area just a bit to clear the sear, but only about 10 minutes worth of file-and-fit. I shaped up the area around the plunger tube as well to get a positive "click" engagement that I liked, but it really wasn't necessary on my gun. One thing worth noting is that the contact area for your thumb is much thinner than the picture led me to believe. Not a big deal for me, but I was a bit surprised when I received it in the mail.
Works great, but requires fitting.(10.2.2013)
This was a nice addition to my old Series 70 Govt Model that I've been slowly tweaking for 29 years. Does require hand fitting, I used my original as a guide and took my time. Looks like it came on the gun new.
Ideal Tactical Safety(7.1.2015)
As expected with any Ed Brown part, it is excellent. Fitting was required and this part is not a drop in part. There is enough material for this to be fitted to any milspec 1911. The safety is perfect for a ccw but has enough grip for target or competition. I have installed this safety on everything from colt's to the taurus 1911.
Very Easy to Fit(26.2.2015)
After fitting a Wilson Combat safety onto a 1911, this one is a breeze. Very smoothly machined out of the box and only very minimal fitting to make it work like a charm replacing an ambi safety on a S&W 1911.
Looks great, feels smooth. Will definitely stock a few of these for future jobs.
Should have read the reviews(15.7.2015)
I should have read the reviews on this safety. The body of the safety is too thin so the plunger rides on its outside edge. I'm surprised it didn't pop out on mine but there is a youtube video that documents it happening to someone else. Ed Brown makes awesome parts but this is not one of them. Save yourself the money and time fitting this and go with the "other" brand on this part.